“The heart of human excellence often begins to beat when you discover a pursuit that absorbs you, frees you, challenges you, or gives you a sense of meaning, joy, or passion.” ―Terry Orlick
Living on purpose is possibly the most liberating experience a person can encounter.
Having navigated the corporate ladder with enthusiasm, gritty determination and frustration all in one, I am grateful to have realised, before it was too late, that there was a purpose beyond myself to pursue. A purpose with a commercial dimension at its core and sustainability in its soul.
The corporate world shaped me in many ways, was an exceptional learning opportunity and the source of lifelong friendships. Sharing a slice of the ride with Richard Santulli’s Milestone Aviation Group was a snapshot into innovation and excellence, an opportunity I am privileged to have been exposed to. It was the final injection of belief needed to make the idea of Vivid Edge become real.
Vivid Edge was born in 2015 and I jumped headlong into the world of sustainability, with my financial toolkit in my briefcase. I was sure I could bring a fresh perspective and an innovative new model to energy efficiency, a sector that is essential as a precursor to renewables but was somehow stuck in a rut. The energy efficiency mission is essential if we are to sustain ten billion people on a planet whose resources were stretched at one billion. Serendipity happened, and I had the good fortune to meet two incredible people, Eimear and Paul who would become my business partners and dear friends. Together we are Vivid Edge. We’re here to make a difference.